Anderson Children's Foundation

Tesoro Club

Summer Camp Scholarships (2024-2025, 2023-2024, 2022-2023, 2021-2022, 2019-2020, 208-2019)

Tesoro Club, a non-profit faith based foundation located in the eastern end of the Coachella Valley annually raises funds to scholarship kids from the cities of Thermal, Mecca, Oasis, Coachella and North Shore for a week of summer camp in the San Bernardino mountains. Taking these youths out of their everyday environment and sending them to a mountain camp allows them to enjoy experiences that include outdoor sports, crafts, water sports, music, team building, spiritual encouragement and support from the staff counselors as well as our Tesoro Club staff who serve as their cabin counselors. For some kids, camp is where they first learned to swim. For others it is an opportunity to make lasting friendships. Others find peace and solace from difficult home and school challenges. Many kids thrive on the input and one on one time with their counselors. It is an excellent opportunity for relationship building with our staff and one another. Tesoro Club is in a unique position to work with kids who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend camp of this kind due to the lack of family resources. Over the years we have witnessed the positive benefits camp has had on these kids, many coming from impoverished trailer parks and/or hard and problematic home lives.

Contact: Patti Belk

