Anderson Children's Foundation

Cahuilla Desert Academy Middle School

Wellness Center (2024-2025)

The Wellness Center at Cahuilla Desert Academy Middle School (CDA) is extremely grateful for the financial support provided by the Anderson Children’s Foundation. This year’s grant will be used to buy school supplies for those students completing a 12-week course centered on leadership and focusing on preventing substance abuse, teen pregnancy, relationship violence, gang violence, and school failure. In addition, our Wellness Center will purchase healthy food, snacks, and hygiene products to make sure our students' needs are met so that they can focus on their education. Without the generosity of the Anderson Children’s Foundation, these critical supports would not have been possible.

PBIS Student Store & School Spirit (2023-2024)

The purpose of our project is to grow our school site’s PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) school store and have available items that bring about school pride. Through rewarding positive behavior and building our school community, students feel proud of their everyday efforts. We have seen an increase in positive student behavior with the opening of our PBIS school store. They are so excited to receive reward points from any teacher or staff member on campus. Students can spend their points in our store.

With adding items that reflect our school colors, such as spirit shirts, backpacks, or water bottles, students connect to their school. They take ownership of our school site, we cheer together as one, we gather as one, and we celebrate success for all students. This sense of pride directly translates into an increase in our students' academic achievements. We see higher grades, higher student participation in school wide events and activities, and peer-to-peer support to name a few positive items we have witnessed.

We are seeing positive behavior and ownership of our school grow, especially post-COVID and distance learning. Positive behavior, high academic achievement, and school spirit are contagious, and it is growing in a very positive direction.

Contact:Lisa Holguin, M. Ed – Teacher, ASB Advisor, and PBIS Lead Teacher

Cahuilla Desert Academy 82-489 Ave. 52 Coachella, CA 92236

Phone: 760-398-0097


Drama4Students (2021-2022, 2020-2021)

Drama4Students is a project in which the academic classroom setting can be converted to a Performing Arts Space. Due to limited space at Cahuilla Desert Academy Middle School, Drama classes have to share a common area, the Multi-Purpose Room, with six Music classes and a working kitchen/cafeteria. The noise and distractions weakens focus and concentration during rehearsal and performing time on an actual stage. Drama4Students eliminates these distractions by allowing students to study, rehearse, and perform in almost any classroom setting on campus. Modern portable equipment, such as folding attachable stages (with ADA accessibility), sets, lighting, PA systems, storage, and seating can be brought in to almost any classroom, introduced by the teacher, utilized by the students, and folded and stored away when not in use. Being able to perform in almost any space at any time allows for more parental and public support for the Dramatic Arts at Cahuilla Desert Academy. Students can showcase their skills on a monthly basis. Drama4Students also allows for the formation and growth of new projects, such as an annual Shakespeare Festival and/or a Monologue Contest, similar to that of Palm Valley School in the West Valley.

Contact: Richard Diaz, Teacher
Phone: 760-485-1477
Address: Cahuilla Desert Academy Middle School
Coachella, CA 92236