Anderson Children's Foundation

Saul Martinez Elementary School

Positive School Climate (2024-2025)

A positive school climate, where students feel a sense of safety and belonging and where relational trust prevails, improves academic achievement, test scores, grades, and engagement and helps reduce the negative effects of poverty on academic achievement. Creating a positive school climate with supportive relationships depends largely on providing time and opportunities for teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators to get to know students, to identify and to respond to their needs. There is a need to create school and classroom structures that encourage secure relationships and high academic and behavioral expectations. Students are often absent because of bullying, lack of engagement, or because they lack confidence in their academic skills.

Saul Martinez Elementary has successfully implemented PBIS with school-wide expectations, PBIS Rewards, a school store, reward events, 1:1 mentoring systems, and school-wide assemblies. In 2024-25, SM plans to continue this program, and provide additional structures to improve the overall school climate. The intent is to reduce incidents of bullying, reduce chronic absenteeism, and to improve student self-esteem by addressing social/emotional needs, building relationships, and improving basic reading and math skills. Staff training in Mindfulness, Cooperative Play, Active Supervision, Literacy and Math Instruction will be included. Active Supervision and Cooperative Play will help to reduce incidents of bullying, encourage communication and play among children, and reduce discipline problems on the playground. Literacy and Math instruction and Special Events will improve academic performance, school engagement, and parent involvement. Mindfulness practices will improve student attention spans, engagement, ability to focus, working memory, and academic performance.

Contact: Erika Baily

Phone: (760) 408-4134


Pathfinder 5th Grade Science Camp (2023-2024)

The Anderson Children Foundation’s contribution to our 5th grade Science Camp at Pathfinder Ranch is essential in enabling our underprivileged students to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience. With most of our students’ parents working in agriculture earning a minimum income, they aren’t able to provide these experiences for their children. Our students need the same educational and enrichment opportunities as other children in our Valley. This is why our Science Camp program is so crucial to their academic and personal growth.

This grant will allow us to provide 136 students with access to hands-on science experiments, including outdoor learning activities such as archery, canoeing, horseback riding, hiking, and wilderness survival skills, as well as a comprehensive science curriculum. By providing these opportunities, we aim to inspire our students to pursue science and other academic subjects and help them develop essential life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving foundations.

Providing our students with such a comprehensive Science Camp experience will not be possible without the ACF's contribution. The contribution of the Anderson Children's Foundation will have a long-lasting impact on our students' education and personal development.

Contact: Mrs. Patricia Lopez, 5th DL Teacher

Contact: Mr. Raul Rodriguez, SPED Teacher

Email: or

Phone: (760) 848-1599

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (2022-2023)

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) supports students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. It improves social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. It also improves teacher health and well-being.

At Saul Martinez Elementary School, PBIS is helping students to be respectful, responsible, and safe! Assemblies and special events help to keep students motivated and excited to come to school and be their best selves. The school store, filled with prizes and school gear, is the place for students to “spend” the points they earn working hard, being kind to others, and following through on their responsibilities.

Contact: Erika Baily, PBIS Lead Teacher, Saul Martinez Elementary School, CVUSD
